These 5 hacks will help you foucus when working from home

PostTime: 2020-3-27 14:52:13    Views: 747

If coronavirus fears have you working form home when you're used to going to the office,it can be hard getting into a new routine.

But it can still be susiness as usual!

These five hacks will help you focus when working from home.

Couches are for lounging.

An office space is for working.

Career experts say having a dedicated wrkspace sill keep you focused ont eh task at hand.

Set working hours,just like at the office.

Just because you're working from home doesn't mean you have to be answering emails into the night ,according to the Harvard Business Review.

It also doesn't mean you should be doing certain tasks during the workday-like chores or running errands.

Having set hours creates dedicated work time and allows for guilt-free "after hours"

But you can still take breaks.

They're good for improving productivity.

A social networking company used time-tracking productivity app Desktime and found the most productive people apparently took a 17-minute break every 52 minutes.

The me-time allows you to reset.

Maintain a level of pressure and work with deadlines.

It helps you stay laser-focused and geats rid of distractions.

Bribe yourself.

Give yourself a little reward -like a cup of coffee or a snack-but only you tackle a particular task or project.

When you anticipate the reward ,it's enough to keep you going and can even make you work faster.

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